People Associated With the Movie

Sonic the Hedgehog Launch Poster

Movie Plot

In Sonic the Hedgehog, a hedgehog from a distant planet becomes endangered. His guardian gives him rings that can take him anywhere in the universe. He eventually makes his way to earth, and settles down just outside of a small Montana town called Green Hill. He has never met any of the people and doesn't have friends, so he starts to get lonely. One day, the town's Sheriff catches him and causes him to drop his rings in San Francisco. Sonic doens't know how to get there, so the Sheriff promises to take him in his car. On their tail, there is a mad scientist named Dr. Robotnik, who wants to harness Sonic's quills for electric power and research. Dr. Robotnik, makes his way to San Francisco behinds them and confronts them on top of a building. They make their way back to Montana and have their final battle.

Movie Review

I would rate this movie 7.5/10. There was good storytelling and a great cast of characters who did very well. One big issue is some plotholes and character creation. The movie created a whole new character only for them to die in 5 minutes, when they had a whole cast of different Sega characters that haven't been used in years. Furthermore, even though Sonic didn't know how to get to San Francisco, he knew it was west of Montana, and he could run down every road in the west of the US and get there before the Sheriff did in his car ride.

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